Insert the small end of the hexagonal axel into the 38mm omni wheel. Then insert the M3x18mm into the opposite end and tighten until the wheel doesn’t wiggle along the axel.
Assembly should look like this:
Place the assembly from step one into the REV Bore Encoder, so the wheel is on the side without the embossed words.
Now, get the Wheel Housing and the two M4x35mm screws. Insert the screws into the two holes of the wheel housing. You should insert them on the side with the embeds for the screw heads. Do not screw in all the way, go until a centimeter of the screw is visible on the opposite side of the Wheel Housing.
Retrieve the assembly you made in Steps 1 and 2. Slide the two attachment arms onto the screws you inserted in Step 3. Get both M4 Nylon nuts and and screw them on gently with your fingers. Now tighten the screws completely to secure the REV encoder to the Wheel Housing (screw heads should be flush with the piece).
Slide the 43mm Standoff into the back hole of the Wheel Housing assembly.
Now to assemble the Encoder Bracket, you need the specified spring and the second 43mm standoff. Slide the spring onto the protruding circle on the bottom of the bracket (use a little bit of force or twist). Then insert the second standoff through the tube.
Completed Bracket Assembly:
Once you have the two assemblies you’ll be able to fit the two into a standard GoBilda u-channel.
From the FTC Tech Tips:
Encoder ports 0 and 3 are hardware-counted, but ports 1 and 2 are software-counted. This means higher counts-per-revolution encoders (like the REV Through-Bore Encoder) should be placed on Ports 0 or 3 to ensure counts aren’t missed, and lower counts-per-revolution encoders (like the goBILDA Odometry Pods or most motors) can be connected to any port.