Name: Marinara
Birthday: February 3
Favorite Food: Marinara Sauce
Current Worry: The world tomato shortage
Name: Han Solo
Birthday: January 31
Favorite Food: Wookie Cookies
Current Worry: He can’t find his hat (again)
Name: Gamora
Birthday: May 2
Favorite Food: Hot Cheetos
Current Worry: Inflation
Name: Uncle
Birthday: September 18th
Favorite Food: Pina coladas (two umbrellas)
Current Worry: He gained weight
Name: Frederick
Birthday: February 29
Favorite Food: Barbecue Shrimp
Current Worry: Wildfires and deforestation
Name: Drax
Birthday: March 27
Favorite Food: Salted peanuts
Current Worry: Gamora told him that too much sodium will send him into cardiac arrest